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- (Note: * means an update to V1.2 !!!
- ** means an update to V1.5 !!)
- ArchEdge V1.5 - Robert Lang 10/6/90
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- "The Edge in Archiving"
- Wow! I've actually written something useful. Many years of programming
- have served ME well, but this is the first time I've actually taken the
- plunge and let other people get the benefit from my coding. Hope you like
- it ! Earlier versions are pretty popular around my area, hence the reason
- I made it neat and decided to release. I'm calling my section of the PD
- market "Edgeware" and so anything addressed perhaps should be addressed to
- me because Edgeware is simply a nickname at the moment...and doesn't really
- exist as anything in the legal world.
- Rules, Disclaimers, and Where to find me:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- I'm keeping all rights to this program, but allowing anyone to share it
- around in the format in which it was supplied to them, meaning you can't
- dissassemble it and change anything, or spread the code, or add your name,
- or anything but use it and copy it really ! I don't take any responsibility
- for any damage done when using ArchEdge..its PD, and so not guaranteed to
- do anything really! If you like it, then you can send $20 to me, and you'll
- receive the latest version and docs on a bootable disk, and be put on my
- soon-to-be-formed mailing list for notification of future releases.
- Alternatively, if that's too much, then just send $5 and a disk, and
- I'll wack ArchEdge latest version on a disk with docs, and not put you on
- the mailing list. (I can be bribed easily, though, so buzz me and offer
- anything at all that's not illegal or immoral [hahahahahaha] )
- Also, please feel free to send comments, large unbouncable cheques made
- out to me, large amounts of spendable-in-the-20th-century cash,
- Porsches (REAL ones...), or anything else to me:
- Robert Lang
- P.O. Box 127
- You can also try and ring me for a chat....049-508189....but I'm usually
- whizzing around from Uni to home, and so I'm hard to get hold off. If you
- leave a message with my Mum, then don't be assured of getting a return call
- if you are long distance...sorry, I just can't afford it. You can also
- netmail me via:
- Cybertron BBS (Ph: 049-602383 or FidoNet: 3:711/496 or SigNet: 28:2100/104)
- And I would expect that is about the best option. Please send bug reports!
- I will be updating ArchEdge slowly, and would love to make all who use it
- happy, so if you find a glitch, then note it and tell me !
- ABOUT ARCHEDGE and thanks:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ArchEdge is written in 68000 Assembly, using the DevPac II Assembler.
- I use an Amiga 500 (7 or 14 Mhz switchable) with twin 3.5" drives,
- 1 Meg of RAM, a genius mouse, a Bit Blitzer 1234E modem (with GPTERMV4.0 -
- another fine Aussie Product), a 1081 monitor and my Amy is pumped through
- a 30 watt amplifier for nice ear-bashing sound.
- Thanks to the writers of the three books, all bearing the ABACUS label:
- Amiga Machine Language
- Amiga System Programmers Guide
- and Advanced System Programmers Guide
- These books are invaluable to me, and so if you haven't got them, then
- there's a hint for you !
- AND a special thanks to Suzanne Day, my girlfriend, who somehow puts up
- with me and my computer. (Falling asleep on a date for example, because
- I was up the night before till 4 am programming!). ArchEdge is specifically
- dedicated (well, they do it with books, don't they ???) to Suzanne...
- I could go on with thanks to my parents for making me, and make a real long
- Stevie Wonder speech....but I'll save you the hassle.....
- ARCHEDGE V1.5 DOCS (wow...at last ???)
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Ok. ArchEdge can be started from the CLI (by entering its name when in the
- relevant directory) or the Workbench (by clicking on its icon). Either
- way, at this stage it opens its own CLI output windows when doing DOS
- stuff. If this is a hassle for CLI users, then tell me, and I'll switch
- off the CON: windows for the CLI execution case.
- The first thing to notice is a lot of space which makes it look strange.
- Hey ? Why write a program and leave so much space? Believe me, with the
- options I have in mind, that space will be filled quickly, and I'll
- probably have to change the size of the window to fit more.....so be
- patient and enjoy!
- ArchEdge now wants you to enter or select a path. Entering one involves
- clicking on the path gadget, the box at the bottom of the file requester
- (where the neat title screen is), and entering the pathname you want to
- select. You can select one by clicking on any of the device gadgets at
- the bottom right of the window. These are not disabled if certain devices
- aren't available at the moment, they simply copy RAM: or DF2: etc into
- the pathname box.
- The AUTO-DIR gadget allows entry into directories by clicking them in the
- file requester if it (the AUTO-DIR gadget) is on. This is there to support
- a later option of archiving whole directories. For the moment,
- a selected directory will produce unexpected results in an archiving
- operation, most likely it will not archiver the directory...at least
- that's what LHARC does.
- Directories appear as a separate colour to the files in the file requester,
- The file requester doesn't sort the directory into alphabetical order yet,
- so what is read is what you see. I may alphabetize later...but I don't
- see a hassle or need at the moment.
- Archiving is done by simply clicking on the files you wish to archive, and
- selecting LHARC, ARC, or ZOO. You will then be asked to enter the archive
- name, so click on the box and change it to the desired name or push return.
- Be sure to include full pathname, so ArchEdge knows where to put the
- archive.
- And away it will go ! Creating the archive with the first file, and then
- adding each successive file to the archive. Easy as that. Very little
- error-handling is done at the moment, but in the event that you wish to
- stop archiving, click on the close gadget of the ArchEdge Requester and
- wait for the current command to finish and ArchEdge will return to its
- own window.
- The procedure is the same for ZOO, ARC, and LHARC. My suggestion is to
- use LHARC, as it is most effective and slowly becoming most popular.
- ** ArchEdge now doesn't use the UNDO option. I've added all my own
- routines, there may be bugs. It works the same as before, you simply
- give it a path (remember to end with a : or a /) and away it goes.
- The routines I've added will allow me to let the user select the undo
- command, so that you can use PKAX or UNZOO or something like that, and
- that will be a future feature (sounds cool...future feature...)....
- ArchEdge unarchives by making a directory with the archive name, and
- unarchiving into that directory, to ensure that files don't get mixed.
- For example, if you choose to unarchive two files "Robert.Arc" and
- "Suzanne.LZH" then two directories will be created in the destination
- path, Robert and Suzanne, and the relevant archive contents will be in
- the separate directories. Neat, huh?
- ** In 1.5 I removed the need for the Makedir command, using inbuilt
- creatdir() function!
- ** ZIP was getting no attention, except problem causing, so its not in
- my UNDO routines....complain if you use it and I'll add it back in!
- Well, that leaves LHWARPing. Clicking the LHWARP gadget brings up all the
- options, and BEGIN starts it....so be warned...have EVERYTHING ready before
- you click begin. Notice that I put a
- command before the LHWARP command,
- this is because it locks up if it finds an existing archive of the name
- and path you told it to make one, so I rename your old one to protect it.
- * Note: In 1.2, I removed the need for the RENAME command when doing this!
- The options are best explained in the documents....but they are all there.
- You select the drive, and the compressing options (quick is quickest, but
- worst, and Freeze is best) and the bitmap options (use the bitmap for
- most efficient), and enter the name with full path, and away it goes !
- ArchEdge adds a textfile as a neat little advertisement, and note that it
- adds this file to the Archives created with LHARC, ARC, or ZOO as well,
- adding it last to work as a PAD file, which allows protection against
- something important getting cut off during communications via modem.
- * This, of course, is now selectable. If the AUTO-PAD gadget is on, then
- it will add this pad to the archive, but if off it won't ! Note that it
- still always adds it to an LHWARP file.....at least let me have that much
- advertising !
- ArchEdge also UNLHWarps, and does this by letting you know if you click
- on a file with a .LHW extension! It is straight forward from there, just
- select the output drive and BEGIN, but again BE WARNED! The process
- starts immediately the BEGIN is clicked...so have everything ready.
- That's all I can think of. Most things can be cancelled by clicking the
- requester close gadget I think, and the program itself can be exited
- (why would you wanna do that ?) by clicking its close gadget.
- I don't know of any bugs existing, but then that's because of what is
- classically called "Programmer's Prejudice". You see, because I wrote
- the program, I am less likely to do something "wrong" in the views of the
- program than someone who knows zilch about the program.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- In the C: directory, you MUST have RUN, MAKEDIR, and RENAME.
- * 1.2 no longer needs RENAME!
- ** 1.5 no longer needs MAKEDIR!
- You also need the relevant archivers you are using, which for a full set
- ** And of course PAK...
- ** You no longer need the UNDO command.
- I do this by copying these commands and a few others to a created directory
- ram:c and assign c: ram:c so I can use both drives in my archiving work.
- If you want to know exactly how to do this, then ask me !
- ~~~~~~~~
- Well, there it is! Thanks to Bruce Paine for the actual idea
- of ArchEdge, and I hope you like it Bruce ! My intention is for ArchEdge
- to become invaluable to modem users, and I know it will with my work for
- TOPIK PUBLIC DOMAIN, as I frequently receive piles of archived disks, and
- so now I can select a batch unarchive and go and do something else while
- the computer works for me.
- Keep in touch, and have fun with Archedge !
- Robert Lang.
- Programmer for hire :-> Feel free to let me know if you have a good idea
- for a PD program, if I like the idea, I'll probably do it ! Also let me
- if you would like to pay for a program to be written....I'm open to
- reasonable offers.